Policy Guardrails

Implementing and following policies can be time-consuming and challenging, especially in demanding replacement environments. Innatify integrates your Policy Guardrails to support hospital management, streamline this process, and drive sustainable benefits

Your Policy Guardrails are automatically integrated to recommend replacements in line with your hospital and unit's best practice policies. These recommendations make it easy to align with policy while leaving the final decision to management, allowing for consideration of holistic factors

Benefits of Innatify’s Policy Guardrails

  1. Streamlined Policy Implementation: Automatically recommends replacements that align with best practice policies, reducing the time and effort needed to follow procedures

  2. Support for Management Decisions: Provides guidance while leaving the final decision with management, allowing for a comprehensive and informed approach

  3. Consistency and Compliance: Helps ensure that replacements are in line with established policies, promoting consistency and sustainable practices across the hospital